
(2016年6月6日 星期四)

听写:第一部分 风尘
第二部分 江西-七夜
第三部分 张育铭
第四部分 曼福喜悦

第一部分听写 风尘

第二部分听写 江西-七夜
场体的转移到物质状态。所以所有的假设,在很多形式所做的这种假设,在这些科学界,在很多公式当中很多的假设,由科学家来假设能够证明有些东西是好用的。但是现在,这些假设能够带来一种公式,那么有一些错误可以得到纠正,有一些答案没有办法在物理学界或者化学、生物学当中找到。那么现在都可以被定义、可以得到解决、可以得到纠正,那不是说我们可以改变什么东西,而是我们增加了这些在物理学界的这些假设当中那些缺失的东西。那现在我们能够理解,这些非常简单的东西就是等离子体。电子它本身也是等离子体,质子也是,相互作用来自等离子体。就是来自质子和电子等离子体的相互作用,创建了它本身的这个场体,我们把它称为原子。这是当今这些知识的基础,那么这是经历了40年之后,那么如果你觉得它是60年也可以。如果你不这样说,如果说是在200年前,你跟某些人说有关原子的事情,那么这些人一定会说这些话是疯掉了。那么我们来谈一下有关化学,那么他们会把它称为炼金术。因为他们知道这个事,但是没有办法去解释。如果我们当时去谈论有关质子的事,100年前去说,在1916年,就是在第一次世界大战之前去说这个事情,那么一定会有人说这伙计一定是疯子。那么现在你谈论到原子、分子和核,那就加入到这个知识当中。所以在这个过程当中呢,做了很多假设,并不是说科学是错的,现在我们可以来匹配这些假设,它是可以适合这些。你去观察我们所带来的所有科学,那么现在爱因斯坦带来这样一个话题,就是说光速是一个最终的速度,我们就接受了它,它是错误的,但是从另一方面来说,它是正确的。这个光速爱因斯坦所说的它是正确的,仅仅是在物质的状态。这个场体强度根据我们的观察角度来说,当你越过这一阶段,他就不适合了。那现在我们知道,可以去理解解释去展示,我们可以创建出场体它是更加的强大,在引力磁场的在强度上来说会超过光速。我们现在能够旅行在几百上千倍的这个量级上面,超过光速来旅行。那我们能够来责备这个爱因斯坦吗?还是说我们能够来支持爱因斯坦。是的,这些知识是爱因斯坦的,仅此而已,那么它是在物质状态下来工作。他能够解释物质状态,可以看到其他一些东西,但是他没有办法解释它。现在有了等离子体科技,我们可以解释它。爱因斯坦应该是一个图书管理员,因为在他说的很多话中犯了很多错误,他做了很多假设,那么你可以去观察一下这个结构。光的速度的结构,就是你去观察的方式实际上并不是假设。他想去证明E=M 或者类似的这些东西。他说的这些只不过是一些假设,他想去证明M=或者无论等于什么,或者说能量等于无论他想说的这种状态。但是爱因斯坦他在光速下来工作是正确的,在非常小的方式下,仅仅是在物质的状态这个角度是正确的。如果你进入到超过物质的状态下,你就能够理解他就不好用了。但是如果说你去按照爱因斯坦的定律运用到物体的状态,一个最高的级别上,那么其中的一部分还是好用的。因为等离子体科技,场体相互作用的定律,那么它适用于宇宙里的所有级别。

第三部分听写 张育铭

第四部分听写 曼福喜悦
就是如何把他的自白交出来,就是交给了米斯特奥文先生,那现在一个同样的进程也正在继续着,对于红圈那些人,还有其他人,他们周围有五六个人在互联网上覆盖了整个互联网,他们的传和授有关我们的这些事情还有基金会的事情,那我们现在发现,他们都是由一个金主来支付佣金,我们也找到了这个金主,他们可以把所有这些方面度连接在一起,现在,我们可以展示这些儿童,还有就是金快丽的这些人,他们用到拐卖儿童上面的这些系统,最后经由整个人类来作出判断,来去判断这些事情,来去解决这些问题,我们把阿联斯特林 给指出来,经过证明我们是正确的,那么现在就交给各位去做其他剩下的这些事情。现在的问题就是对凯史基金会名誉的诋毁,乃至于红圈的人还有就是 阿联斯德林他们一直都得到这种喂养,现在,犹太教教士以及欧洲皇室都已开始失去他们的权利和掌控,所有的战争都没有任何原因,所有的问题都没用回音,所有,现在通过解释这些科学各位可以理解我们都是正确的,我们都是科学家,我们没有任何东西可以创建出心理上的疑惑,这是在凯史基金会的工作方面。
我们看到一些医生,我们昨天有医生的教学,他们在在做测试,他们看到了这些导源,他们能够解释他们所做的,从科学的角度来说,能够在等离子的世界能够解释能够增加任何人的健康提高,我们能够看到所有的一切其他的东西都在不断的出现,将会被提供出来,这将使正确的,健康笔都是各位自己制作的,我们并没有销售给各位,它的技术并不是秘密的科技,它是等离子体的科技,各位所做的这些装置,你们用到了二氧化碳用到了甘丝,我们所教学的这些新的就是对知识的一个拓展,这个是非常重要的,这样不仅仅是给各位一个信心而且现在已经知道我们是正确的,那么所有这些侧面的这些工作,都是去分散我们精力来继续进行控制,这是第一次人类已经自由了,这也是第一次各位能够理解这些知识,你们各位就已经通过这项技术,可以自由的获得各位想要的任何东西,能量,能源,住所,食物,医药,材料,心理上的支持,这都是你自己可以去创建这些各种各样的材料,就像你自己在自己身体中被创建出来那样,不再去滥用你自己,不仅仅是在这个星球上,或者说被带入到太空的任何地方的人,我们都不需要在这种在太空当中的沮丧(环宇,迪普森?这是什么词?这是很怪的词,沮丧?萧条?)就是被带到太空当中的那些人,因为,他们能看到如何去创造,如何去运用交通能够能够在任何的时间,去到任何的地方,我就开始这样一些教学,通过非常柔弱的方式,在过去的十个星期当中??里面。 现在将会进入到这样一个通道,现在,我们已经看到物体改变成甘丝,甘丝创建出场体,现在我们来利用这个场体。用这个场体,才是在宇宙当中是最本质的问题,这个场体的相互作用给我们带来了我们想要的这些东西,所以,我们所做的以这种非常柔弱的方式,柔和的方式去
请注意;我们将可能把所有的教学混合在一起,包括比如说周二,周四的大量的教学聚聚在一起,这样的话我们就不会再把它称为国际的教学,我会把周二的教学加入到标准的的凯史基金会的教学当中,你可以去跟踪这些教学,这是非常重要的,因为我不再需要重复周二所说的在国际教学当中,它都可以成为一次的教学,所以从下周四开始他们将成为一次教学,我们对中国的政府和军方的这些人员需要说的这些话,还有包括对航空航天部门的这些人员,这些话呢,不会对公众公开,因为我们和中国政府机构之间达成了一个协议,所以,这些这个要看他们是否愿意以公开的方式来进行,我们已经运行了一次教学和中国团队在公众的场合进行了一次教学,但是,从今天来开始,周二的教学如果中国人同意的话呢,我们将会进入到太空科技的这个教学,在三点钟之后,所以从两点到三点半,将会成为部分的标准的知识寻求者的教学,一个到另外一个,但是从三到三点半,我们把它分配给军队和军方和航空航天部门的这些人员进行教学,如果你是来自军方或者航空航天的人员你需要来联系朱教授,在中国他是军方和航天航空部门的总负责人,我们选择了朱教授,因为这是一个和平的国家,我们让中国作为航空航天和军方的这样一个起到带头作用这样一个国家。来对这项科技进行和平的运用,你可以去和他(朱教授)取得联系,我们会提供相应的这些便利的条件,就像我们和同米斯特 克劳尔 来做的医疗方面的那种状况一样,他们会有不等的医生或者博士,或者农业方面的这些教授来负责这些方面的教学。
允许各位,如果你是军方的,不管你是 达帕?还是 纳沙,还是俄罗斯的太空部门,或者是非洲人的机构,都可以加入到周二的封闭教学当中,因为,现在我们要教会所有人,那么这里面有中国人。我们的教学会以英文来进行,这样的话各位也能理解,从另一方面来说中国的教学将会成为另一部分的教学,正常的教学将来自凯史基金会,因为,我们在中国有来自很大的支持,中国人将会返回来跟我们分享知识来个我们进行教学就像我们来教会他们一样,所以哪,他们所看到的这个教学就像加纳的那样,从现在开始有来自在中国大学的一些教学,在一个就是在通常的一个基础上按一定的时间周期来进行教学,中国的教学将会增加成他们想要的那种教学,我们可以去满足他们的这种要求,现在已经有这个星球上差不多有总共差不多四分之一的人口在收听,他们有这样一些人口,我们没有办法去忽视,我们需要去支持这个知识,这个知识需要得到传播,因为,凯史基金会的这些知识,等离子体 引力 和 磁力 的支持,它是非常接近于凯史基金会的理念,中国人就非常理解阴阳,他们就很容易理解这些知识,他们也知道如何去使用它,但是,问题是什么呢?我们在哪里,我们如何去运用这些知识?我们如何去拓展我们的知识这是非常重要的,这是绝对至关重要的,这对我们来说去理解整个的结构,我们现在已经理解,我们看到我们带给各位的是什么,各位已经看到在这里我已经解释了等离子体的一个工作。现在,我们开始进入太空的旅行,就是太空的这些知识。
这个是一,这个是三,这个是二,这个是它的场体,这些场体之间的相互作用,现在给了各位完全不同的对不同场体的理解,这个没有关系,你是否旋转它,还是说去做一个等离子体的运动,他有这样一个美妙的工具,这些工具在宇宙当中其他文化也有,就是说这个物质的状态在很多宇宙当中的文化当中他们就没有这些、那么在很多很多程度上就是相互实现到这样效果,这样一个现象的一个困难和一个问题。人类能够理解这些知识,他们有了这个物质,他们由这个物质的存在制造出纳米材料,然后,通过它创造出甘丝,然后,再创建出等离子体再创建出场体,这个是一个巨大的知识,大量的知识,人类就增加了宇宙的知识,各位就不会空手过来,那么,人类进入太空他会带有这样的一种可行度,就是带有它自己的文化,和自己的质地,所以呢,这个问题一直是没有问题。人们给宇宙大家庭带来了美妙的这些东西,因为,你可以在这个国家,在这个宇宙的文化当中它将会变得更加的简单去进行教学,这样的话他们可以去用这些东西,并不是说人类进入到太空当中它是一种部署或者下属,就像各位进入到宇宙当中,就像我们现在带领各位进入到宇宙当中的一个状态,相当于人们加入了一些额外的一些东西,就相当于给宇宙大家庭增加了一朵花,他们有身体护理上的一种理解,就是能够从整体上去进行理解,现在你有了这些装置你所做的,你有了这可能性去控制装置,如果你去增加一个的速度或者增加两个的速度或者说你制作一个相反的,或者说是从一到二的。从二到三的一个旋转就成为不同的条件,现在你可以去压力这个速度,从某种上来观察这个就发现它给它带来了更大的压力,他能带来什么呢?从一个到另外一个上面的压力?就是说从一个和另外一个上的速度,你可以现在去决定这种拓展,这个等离子体的拓展。你可以通过压力它可以进入更高的强度,通过释放它你可以到比较弱的强度上,你可以在光速上旅行,它的当量的级别就是在这个绿色线的20次方?(环宇,他这个是次方?好像是次方,图白的菲格特屯提,这是 专题? 还是什么?20次方啊?看下 ,,,,空白。。。。。。)
在这个绿线上,在这样一个速度上你可以旅行,下面这条线上,就是3的是红色的,然后,你想走的非常慢,它可以渗透整个物质的状态,那么,他们说到的是光速,这都是光速,那么现在呢,你就手里拥有了这些工具去使用这些等离子体的强度,去压缩它或者是扩展它,去压缩它这就变得更近一些,距离空间就变更快的场景,更强的场体,那么,引力,磁力都是这样,那么你可以看到人类在他的手中所有的工具以便在太空当中旅行多少个小时都可以,如果人类能够理解这种运用和使用理解等离子体的话,再这样一个过程当中我刚才所解释的在过去几个星期我带各位来到这里让我们来观察一些东西就是如何来使用这项科技,这些新的理解来或者说去组合这两种等离子体,去控制等离子体,我们已经向各位来展示在过去几个星期我们有到过莱维格 以及世界的其他一些医生来开始在他们患者身上来使用,在这里我们看到了癌症的这个改变是因为我们看到了理解他们的改变,我们也看到了场体之间的互相创建,和直接的相互作用和物理
我们看到有医生来自凯史基金会,他们在周四有这样的一个课程,还有昨天也进行了相关的教学,那么我们看到这些医生他们都做了什么以及他们如何来使用这些设备来快速的改变这些情况,以及合理的使用他们、为什么呢?因为,等离子体他们所创建的场体当中他们不是还没完全的成熟,这个系统是非常早期的一些装置他们运用到了这个,和这个,没有去旋转,所以呢,他们有了有限的这种容量,就是来这个场体当中,所以呢,这个场体它被创建出来,通过不同的甘丝排列就是靠近人的这个产甘丝的这样的话呢,给了他们这样一个场体的出现,它和人体相互作用。我们所做的呢,我们把它称为A的话,我们所做的呢,就是在医疗方面就是 劳瑞格 医生和其他的医生,他们能告诉你,那么这一项来自A的这个结构呢在人的周围,就像各位可以看到的这是等离子体的,这些等离子体从一个地方移动到另外一个地方,在这样一个过程当中,人体因为处于整个结构的中心会和场体成为相互作用,它所需要的和需要的呢就是从一个地方到另外一个地方肿瘤就会减少,或者是清除掉,这里需要理解一个事情,这个场体人需要去理解它是什么,理解一件事情,癌症它是相互作用来自于这个场体,那么,它发现这个引力场体足够强来吸收其他磁体,在吸收过程中,他们会固话,他们会制造出类似像球体一样的结构,但是,如果你去观察,如果你是真的去定义它那么就是说我们都有癌症,因为,人体就用到了这些知识就去固话创建出我们的骨骼,所以呢,我们的骨骼是我们人体癌症的这一部分,我们的身体在不止一年的时间学会了如何来使用这些癌症来以正确的方式去固话,去观察一下你的肾它是另外的一种癌症,肝也是另外一种癌症的表现,至于你的心脏也是另外一种癌症或者肿瘤的表现,如果你去定义这个肿瘤或者癌症的话呢,它通过过这样一种去扩大这个地方,就是某些场体的相互作用或者说是相互的吸引,那么就聚聚在一起,肾创建出场体的吸引然后带来了身体上的这些液体,然后,对它进行了过滤,那么肝也会做其他的一些元素,所以从某种程度来说当我们看到这个癌症它是场体的一个扩展,这时,身体就试着去适应它这种情况,所以,如果我们从中去获取能源能量的话,或者允许它用一种比较弱的场体通过等离子体的这个原理,(环宇,原理还是 主源呢?)更强的场体会降低它本身,然后去,喂养弱的这个场体,就像我们在129当中所看到的,所以随着身体中的这种癌症肿瘤去转移它的场体的过程,弱的这一块呢它就会走开,这样的话,他就会更少一些,这样的话就能将自己的能量消耗尽,你能看到肿瘤就被治愈好了,实际上肿瘤并不是一个疾病,它是去净化理解场体在人体生理当中的转化,所以呢,我们所看到的,我们增加了,我们需要一步一步来从这里开始,你有了,我们从线圈开始,那么各位就逐渐的培养出信心,从线圈开始到基板,我们看到,再这样的教学当中我们带来了一个新的维度,这就是这次教学就是等离子体运用在医学方面。
就随着这个线圈在旋转,在内核的旋转,那随着各位去压缩,它的内部的等离子体,那现在你可以进入去创建一个场体,你已经看到没有通过需要旋转,就是场体的强度来自人体,你看到癌症的改变,你们看到这些被创建出的场体将会去和人的情感相互作用,所以呢,我们看到这些医生的反馈报告,使用这些装置人们就彻底改变了 梦?态,他们高兴的这种改变,他们理解这种状态,他们所处于的状态,现在,他们能够理解有这些科学的知识和医生的状态自于凯史基金会,以及创建出这种知识,创建出磁力子场体,它就及时同时的在情感的级别上也是在人体身体这个物理的物质结构上级别上,那现在呢,各位错过什么了吗?
现在,可以返回到教学当中,在这里呢,我们是从这里过来的,就是A这个地方,静态的,现在你可以非常简单的来理解这个地方,那你制作了这个线圈就像这样一个效果,你需要制作一个特定的装置,然后, 你就可以去决定它,我把它称为这个粉红色的,我把它称为1,你可以把一个人放在它的中心,然后,他会有自己的腿和胳膊,你能够创建出1,
噢 抱歉,看来他很不喜欢这种演示,我们的摄像师不喜欢他,他说他看不清,你现在能够看到我?可以用? 可以, 没有问题,我用其他颜色来说,所以这个就变成了你的1型,这个呢,就是你的第一部分,现在那你需要去包容人体和人体所受的场体,那么这就是一个磁力场体的强度,这就是地球造物的一个地方,这个事情你想加入到我们的行列,在这里,你比如说这个方向,这样来做会更好一些,这种方式,现在你如果去创建这个呢,你需要有第二个线圈,就是现在你的磁力的线圈称为2型,这是它的强度是来自于他的目的地的强度,最终各位也能够理解随着你去改变他的场体然后你去转移你所做的这种方式,你如果已经做了话,你可以去复制它,你可以移动这个线圈从引力到磁体磁力,这些你决定了,现在呢你所做的这种方式就变成目的地,你所做的这些强度,你就能把一个人从他的本质上灵魂上从一个地方转移到另一个地方,然后你可以在抵达的目的地显化自身,有同样的智力,同样的情感,身体,能够被接受在展示的这个地方,这就是为什么你看到很多的生灵生物创建出现在这个星体上,现在你有这些摄像头都可以把它记录起来,因为,他们会自己去决定所展现显身的这个地方,就是现身的地方,所以你制作的线圈从现象上,来说他是这些单元的一个叠加,在这个正确的方向下磁力的和各位所做的,我所教会各位的,和各位所看到的,非常来说在这个叠加层当中这个,对很多人来说, 巴碧鸥 可不可以来展示一下这个?好的,没问题,已经拿住了,在这里,现在呢,你就有了一个能量场装置在这个中心,你放了双层的线圈,就是中心线圈,就变成了你的引力的,外部的线圈变成你的磁力,然后实际上各位所看到的在这里所看到的就是这个水晶,实际上是人本身,那现在各位能够理解为什么我们开始教学这个磁力场的装置。


英语脚本:Lynn Schmaltz(林恩·施马尔茨)

K: Now you have stacker unit in the center and you have double coils.The center coil becomes your gravitational and the outer core becomes your magnetical and in fact what you see here as the crystal is the man itself. Now you understand why we started teaching the Magrav unit. In a larger scale in condensing and adding numbers but with a single gravitational magnetical field done correctly and the structure of the Magrav units done in the appropriate way is your machine into space to be manifested anywhere in space according to your strength. Now you understand that you have to create both gravitational and magnetical field in both layers because otherwise you lose the identity of the passenger.
K: This is how transportation in the essence that you can manifest yourself anywhere in the universe has been done. This is a gift from us to man to allow man to join the universal community. We have opened the door and it is for man to respond correctly so that we can teach more. Make the coils the way you have done. Governments have these finances to do these. Stand in between and if you do it correctly you choose the destination of your soul and you will see the strength of your soul and this is how we choose the council members of One Planet, One Nation, and One Race. Because we see the light they emit and the brightness and unity of the uniformity of the light within the structure of the creation. Blessed are those who understand.
K: Now you understand how we are in the process of developing a full system for man to survive in the worst and the best conditions in the universe according to his emotion and his physicality. It is important that you understand the totality and not part of it. All we have done in this process if you look in the Magrav system; we put a little ball in the middle. Now the ball in the totality of the physicality is the man himself. It carries his emotion and it carries his physicality. And because he made of it, the man becomes the light of the creator in the essence of the creation. Christ, blessed his name, has done it and man has been blind to it because they looked at the physicality of it. Buddha touched it but never understood it. Because Buddha, blessed his name, detached himself from physical matter and he could work on the level of the soul but he could not see the transportation of the soul from the man from the village of the Earth into the universal condition. Now we teach all.
凯史:你同时也可以看到,在发展整个人类生存系统中,不管是在很糟的条件下或是很好的条件下,在宇宙中完全根据人类的情绪与物理身体。对于你的认知中这是非常重要的,情绪与肉体其实是全部而不是部分。整个我们在做的过程中,你观察magrav系统,我们在中间放了一颗小球,此刻那颗小球就是肉体就是人类自己。它携带着你的情绪同时也携带着你的肉体,一切只因为是你完成了它。在创建的本质上,人们变成了光的创造主,基督-祝福他 ,曾经完成过它,可惜当时人们看不懂,因为只注重他的表象,佛陀也曾摸过,可惜也没全懂,佛陀-祝福他,从物质层面超脱了自己,但是他从未看过从地球的村庄,把人类的灵魂传递到宇宙环境中,现在我把全部都教给你们。
K: Understand the totality of the structure of the work of the plasma and the fields of the universe. If you look at it, you make and you ‘write the letter, you fold it and put it in an envelope and whatever is written in that letter because it is in that envelope will be delivered at the point of delivery to whoever is the recipient. Now the number “1” in the center is the letter and the green number “2” is the envelope. And according to the rule of the transportation of magnetic fields you do not need to take long to get to your point. (1.24.48 minutes) You ease into the transportation at the point of the speed of the choice. Now let’s say if you have a criminal hiding somewhere you have his clothes and you have the essence of sense like the dog can trace and you can replicate it. That criminal can hide within the deepest holes on this planet and we can find instantaneously where he is. You lose a child and instantaneously we can find where the child is because now we can create with the same system the magnetic gravitational field of the scent which is the beginning part of the emotion to the destination. Now those rulers who have killed, raped and pillaged, when they rape a child the essence of the child stays on their body. All we need to do, and we don’t need the blood test any more, we can find the match and the criminal stands in front of you.
K: There shall be no place where the rulers of the world for their misconduct in abusing their power can hide any more. This technology and this knowledge will be so rapidly developed around the world by scientific and governmental organizations and by the women in the kitchens and the men in the garages. This is the problem: women are doing the whole technology in the kitchen and men in the garages. When we bring the man in the kitchen and the woman in the garage and they work together they will make everything together perfectly. And we see that if you have the clothing of your child gone missing in Africa and you put it in the system, you create the sense of his field and it dictates itself in a palace of the king in Belgium, the king is screwed and it will be done in the coming days. We ask the world leaders to stand up themselves to bring out their own misconduct that man does not need to judge them because the judgment of the man has been very harsh in hanging and destroying. The palaces of the kings will have no room as there has been too much suffering in them. Now you understand.
K: The problem is how you can develop this technology in its essence. The problem how you can control it so that you don’t end up in the ocean in the Bahamas. You have to create the right environment where you want to land it. Transportation will be the backbone of the space technology of the Keshe Foundation because now you understand the totality of it, even though this is what I have told you up till now is a scratch on the surface of the knowledge of the universe. Even with this scratch some have problems understanding it. Make the coils, the inner of the copper. What are you going to do with the coil outside for your magnetical? Do you use the mixture of the GANS liquid to make a plasma? Now you are not conditioned to any because you create the mixture, you create the strength between the magnetical and the gravitational between the two and you decide the exact, precise point even somewhere in the universe where you want to meet your mother. Mom, I will see you at the petrol station and the fuel station in the motorway and you specify the point in space. You can give the strength, direction and position at that instance and as it changes so your field changes and you can never make a mistake. You both meet at the same spot in the universe. Because now you have tuned to be of the same strength change and the same position change.
K: Travel in space is so beautiful and the universe has more to offer for man to be busy to travel and to enjoy than ever making things to tie man to the room, the palace and the car. I own none because I know the value of the body of the universe. That is why I give all my work to humanity and the foundation because I have my own home and palace of the universe delivered. I wonder how many men will change. The totality of the strength of the fields you create will show your emotion. The totality of the fields you create shows the truth about your direction. The totality of the fields you create shows the state of your emotion and the condition of your soul. Don’t forget; go back to the beginning of the teachings when I said when you build the space ship people will not walk into it because they judge themselves and they know what they have done. The universe will not take criminals because the criminals are not there to enter; their composition will end up in a place we like to call hell when the physicality does not appear as the strength of the physicality and when the two tearapart.
K: How do we create these systems? Now you are more or less halfway at the matter stage with the standing coil units. How do we get you to the stage with the core, coil and the field circles?
(1.31.43 minutes) The Chinese are ahead and they are doing mass production of GANS. All of you are creating a few grams here and there. To produce the plasmatic condition of the composition of the elements of the universe you need mass production of GANS that with it you can dictate the physicality of the man to the liquid water of his existence. As I said by my arrival to China, within a short time we will put China in space beyond the imagination of the man. Mars is a game play; would you like to see any of the galaxies? Join China in the peace process of their demilitarization and in the unity we will teach you. Stay out and criminalize and you have no where to exist. The process is very simple; go to your understanding of creating these magnetic gravitational. You need to understand the interaction of the fields of the plasma and then there is one little problem which I haven’t told you.
K: Maybe I tell you because a lot of you will face it. This is what you like to call the coulomb of the man or the soul of the man. This soul of the man has his own strength and to be accepted and correct with the universe has to be the strength of the universal community too. To be next and part of you has to have the same strength and there is no place for lying and cheating-on the surface, yes there is, but underneath, no there is not. There is a game played by the Iranian girls when they say “I don’t love you,” and underneath the table they pull you to themselves with their leg. That cannot happen in the universe. It has to be plain, correct, you join and you are a part. There is no use trying to join men of space who reach this level (shown by a larger circle than the circle representing the soul of the man) and you are just a very small circle. (1.34.36 minutes) There are no stowaways. We don’t have any. They cannot gain the level. They cannot jump in and think because the others have got (the energy of the universe) that they can go too.
K: This is why we push and encourage the unity of mankind and they all think the same way: but, you have to change the whole structure of the physicality of this planet. And that takes time if man decides. As I said before and we have seen it many times, when we announced the world peace program, the first time we held a meeting Europeans didn’t come. Then the Italians broke rank and they came to the second one. And then we came to Italy. And today we see the Italian press starting releasing (information) about the Keshe Foundation. Italy will break rank very heavily because now they have everything. Giovanni walks in today with an Italian newspaper with him. Because now the process has started and governments, scientists and journalists understand there are no shackles from the Jewish lobby. It is for humanity and for the nation to save energy and to get better and we are getting involved in ever aspects of the culture and living in this country.

K: Decontamination: we are trying to sort out something with the sea and with the earth decontamination. And with energy in the coming time we announce the opening of the Keshe Foundation banking system in Italy. This was we can give and encourage the rest of you to do so. The way to approach is to learn from the Africans. Come in contact and work not so much as you do with the public, but put part of your effort to go into the scientific organizations and the universities, governmental institutions and education and show them the benefit of the technology. Tell them yes, there is a lot of misinformation about Keshe Foundation, that they are frauds, because this was paid by the Jewish lobby. The misinformation was put there in conjunction with the Illuminati and monarchies as we have seen in Belgium with the Jewish lobby to create as much mayhem that in discussion everything gets lost and they win. But this time they lost. Because too many people are creating. Tell them we are wrong? No problem let me give you a pen. You have a pain? Use the pen and when it works come back for the next one. Start showing the working and the beauty of the technology.
K: We have given advice to those who have caused such mayhem: Shut your websites! Shut all the rubbish you put on the internet about Keshe Foundation and write what is correct and what it is or when we put you next to Allan Sterling there is no peace for you. Very soon there will be a peace - wiki. Very soon Sterling’s types of websites will be taken off the internet and all the people who trafficked on it will stand their own sentence. So our advice is very simple: bring it together and show the application and implication of it. As I said, on Tuesday afternoons we start teaching for the military in the Chinese language. Because the Chinese army and space are part of the Keshe Foundation to show they understand we can bring them all together for a peaceful nation. If you are American, we know you are sitting on our communication line for the teaching, but come officially. We wrote NASA: Mr. Nelson as head of NASA we are prepared to start renegotiating. You have been the fiber between NASA and working with us but the blocking of the Jewish lobby in Washington is now exposed. We are prepared to negotiate with NASA directory at the highest levels as we have done before.
K: The same goes with the Russian Space Agency. The present space technology is useless and finished. It is a matter of months that the Chinese will go beyond this solar system and above and the Americans are still busy to feed a few men on the face of this planet. I will take the Chinese space technology and their military to the level that they don’t spend a single cent on the army, but on the development of the comfort of the nation and the man into space. The team of Chinese doctors who are working in the background with our technology we support you to develop the latest health systems for the Chinese population. The other nations can join in. On Tuesday afternoons we teach the military on outer space and not for killing and defense. The military means being able to survive any condition in space and space means becoming the military to space and they become one. We don’t have any military; we will have space technology headed by the Chinese government scientists because they understood and took to the ethos quickly.
K: It is important to understand how we interact the fields and interacting the fields that result. The fields we created with the Chinese are the field of peace, brotherhood, equality and we get the reciprocal answer and that is how we work. This has to be with the man and the universe too. You have to learn to work and to be transparent. We start teaching heavily and I said to Rick this morning that I will teach something today you have never seen. Now you see it; it’s the transportation of the man through the soul of the man and not the physicality of the man. Some of you who don’t understand you laugh and it means you have not matured enough and that you lack the knowledge of humanity that has not matured enough to understand the detachment from his physicality and what happened at the last minute and last breath you say Oh my God! Where is my soul? How can you have a soul serving you when you have not served the soul?
K: Understand that to make systems which are homogenous, correct according to their application, and which can work in any dimensions anywhere in the universe. But, understand that you need to keep the collective structure of the plasma of the soul of the man intact at any point in the envelope in the transportation in the universe. The postman is you, the envelope is you and the letter is you, if you understand what I have just said I wish I was in New York, I wish I was in London, I wish I was in China, I wish I was with my son, I wish I was with my daughter, I wish I was with my loved one. That wish becomes your reality. Go back on the teaching on Tuesday (June 7, 2016) and the purity of the true blood of the man how Paul from Togo showed us the same water and the same metals that the wish of the man created. The African nations will bring the beauty of the creation of humanity to the table. We see this step by step. Now you understand what I said two minutes ago: you are the letter, you are the envelope and you are the postman. Go back to Tuesday teaching where Paul from Togo showed us how the bottle of water is the creation of man and with it man wishes how and what he likes to appear. Now you understand.
K: The water is 95% of the body of the man. Time to create a GANS, but the GANS appears according to the wish of the man, to the place of the man to the delivery of the man. Wish peaceful and you will achieve. It will be very interesting in the coming time it is the first time man will see and it is the pleasure. I call them ‘beautiful people’ and you call them schizophrenics. Build these systems as they are on the screen and you will see, not the physicality, but the soul of two or three. Then you will understand how misguide man has been in understanding the reality of the creation even of himself because within the environment of the system you make, you will see three souls. (1:46:17 minutes). Each soul is individual with its own strength; or there may be two souls. Or as we have as advisors to the American government, there are eleven souls. Maybe that is why the Americans are so clever because they have someone with eleven souls in every dimension and it has been advising 6 past presidents. Now this is what I explained; in the coming time you will the strength of the soul. If you have 3, you shall see 3; if you have 2, you shall see 2. Then man can respect schizophrenia not as an illness but as a beauty to the creation to respect the 3 and to enjoy the 3. (1:45:25)
K: Then those of you who claim to be ‘pure’ your soul and the condition of the reaction of the physicality and totality of your body will show the reality of the intention. A horrible time-you call this the truth injection given so you tell the truth. Now you have the plasma truth injection. Let’s see how this works. I tell you I love you; you say I love you too, darling. What should be clear goes black. Uh oh. Was I the liar or were you the liar? Or something is said, I am going to be the American president and I will bring peace. But I am being paid by the Jewish lobby to create as much war as I can. Black shall not be the skin of the man; black shall be the soul of the man. This is the beauty of the new technology; this is the beauty of the extension of the knowledge in the world of the creation. Now because you have started creating the plasma of the structure as one liquid plasma and the fields created it, it has one dimension. It is not a mixture and it is not an alloy. It is the Magrav strength combination. That is why when you look at the water you see nothing in it but it is all the same. But, in time when you understand to measure the real, you measure the color of the plasma before you added the GANS to it and you measure the color of the plasma after you add GANS to it. Then you see it is not the same color or the same transparency. But in totality every cell has increased the way it works in plasma technology and you see the same.
K: Start understanding the strength of the plasma and how it is. If you have thought on it, I see people are coming up with new ways of confirming the existence of the plasma. This morning on the way I saw something on the spaceship group of the Keshe Foundation. It was beautiful and I wrote a text for them to show this to Rick and we show the reality with the pen and the others and we see how are trying to confirm in their own way the existence of the plasma in the totality. Jacky, are you on the line? 凯史:开始了解等离字体的场强,并了解他是如何运作的。我看到人们开使用新的理解来认识等离子体的存在了。今晨我在凯史基金会太空团队中看到一些东西,他太棒了,而我也写了些测试,瑞克把他放出来吧!我们来看看真正的笔和其他的,我们来看看他们是如何用自己的方式来证明等离字体存在的证据,杰克,你在线上吗?
Jacky (J): Yes, I am here.
K: Can you show the pictures and let Jacky explain what he has done? (1.50.58 minutes)
J: so I see the kids’ workshop where you explained how you can play with an egg. I put the egg into an ‘egger’ and after a few days you see the next pictures. It was like a bouncing ball and I had the separation the yolk becomes like a small ball. The separation was with the yolk and the white and I decided to play with this substance. So I put the yolk into the liquid CO2 plasma with a little CH3 to give this some energy. This is the first picture. Then I put some caustic soda and normally it would become like a GANS; this didn’t become like a GANS. It became a new form, new plasma. It is like the ball but in a new kind of matter.
K: Why did you put the caustic soda in it? What happened when it was just a GANS?
J: It was not becoming GANS. When I put the caustic soda to make it become a GANS, it became as you see in the picture. (1.53.40 minutes).
K: What happens if you just put the yolk in the GANS?
J: The caustic soda and the other elements don’t change anything.
K: If have not put the caustic soda in it you still get the same shape?
J: Absolutely, the caustic soda, hydrochloric acid and those things don’t change anything.
K: So this is what you go when you put this in the CO2 GANS and the CO3 GANS?
J: Absolutely.
K: So everybody can test this and let us see. This explains to you the energy of the GANS. If you put GANS water in the water and put the yolk and you get the change then it confirms more for you about the energy of the GANS. We have seen how we choose the GANS in different ways, and this is beautiful.
J: You can see the white in the next picture. The white is totally different and it became like the other GANS. The yolk doesn’t act the same; it’s totally different.
K: If you are online and you can mix the GANS, put the yolks of different eggs in the GANS water and extend the knowledge. Let’s see if the transfer of the energy in plasma condition will give you what you are looking at. All of us for centuries have put eggs in the water and nothing happened like you have shown. We make scrambled eggs in the hotels with water because it is cheaper and makes more volume in the scrambled eggs. If you can put the yolk of an egg, the white of an egg or any other little thing, these are confirmation that you are dealing with plasma energy. If this is correct, and what amount of the liquid plasma of the GANS did you use, maybe you have to increase the amount of the CO2 water. Maybe you have to work directly with CO2. Maybe if you use different GANS of different strengths you can float the egg as it does when it is being cooked. This is to give you the demonstration that you are dealing with the energy system of the plasmatic condition.
J: Yes. It is clear absolutely. (Picture of the white GANS from the egg white at 2.00.16 minutes).
K: Thank you, you bring such gorgeous gifts.
J: The beauty of this is I am on the phone right now because I am getting the friend of Paul from Togo who is doing the Togolese Keshe Foundation.
K: Thank you, let him introduce himself. Can you explain who you are?
Baka Agu (B): Yes, I am the president of the Togolese Keshe Foundation and I arrived in France and I asked Paul, my friend and we are working together. My name is Baka Agu (? Sp).
K: Welcome Baka; explain what you are doing please. We saw beautiful work from Paul from Togo that brought a new horizon in the understanding of cancer to us on Tuesday. It will be nice for you to explain more of what is happening in the Keshe Foundation and what you are developing. Or we can give you time on Tuesday to introduce more about Togo. It is a new organization into the Keshe Foundation
B: We just began and we are trying to have our authorities to be … I’m not good in English.
K: Speak in French and Fran?ois can explain or we have someone here…
B: That is even better.
K: While we are online I’d like to ask that you and Paul get in touch with Benjamin and Dr. Ghatta and Alexz and join us in the African summit in Ghana in October. You are invited and please join us. Explain what they do in Togo and we will understand more.
Thank you Jacky; we see the work of Jacky, people in Germany who are pushing the introduction of the knowledge. We are seeing hidden men behind a lot of work in Italy. Giovanni works heavily with institutions, government, and private individuals, anybody who is anywhere. That is the reason for the success of the Keshe Foundation in Italy. It is the same with the Keshe Foundation factory. They have brought the Keshe Foundation and the work of the foundation to governments and the financial world. They see us now as a new generation of money making and that is why they like to work with us. But they don’t understand that soon money will have no value. We need people and we hear an Iranian working very hard in Germany to teach anyone anywhere. Soon we will bring him to the table and you will know him. He is on the Keshe Foundation Germany.
K: We see people working like Renan and the Keshe Foundation innovation team in Philippines in bringing the technology at the level of the government. Governments and scientists are responding to this technology because they can see it; it’s very simple. We saw the pen taking the pain away. We saw contaminated water that you can now drink. There is no ambiguity. There is no discrediting or scam. The scam at the moment sits with the Jewish lobby. The hands have been opened and the same with those who sit with the organizations in the financing world and in communications. We don’t have a problem; our problem is that the technology works too well and it looks too good. That is our only problem. The only problem is that you have to have the confidence that when you show it you know it. We saw it. If that air conditioning is there and you walk up to the office of the president or the health authority, you say that you have a new cooking machine. This is your water; this is my water and I put an egg in it and it boils. It is there and it is cooked; then there is no ambiguity and you don’t have to wait for test results. As we have said, the results are so immediate. This can be measured in a blood test within 24 to 48 hours.
K: The purpose of the work for the foundation from now on is to solidify and give you confidence that this technology is correct. We now where all the scams against Keshe Foundation came from; they were centred on Allan Sterling’s Facebook and he opened his Facebook and we see all the collaborators and all the false charges, child trafficking and everything else that has come up. It’s very amazing. Six people took the whole world into hijacking because they have done it for so long. Red Circle has abused his own children for so long that to him it is a habit. Now we have 5 names of victims, two that were murdered at the hand of Red Circle. We will publish their names. So the conviction is on the table and the confirmation is by their own writing and not by us. Now we have two of his daughters who have been raped by him; we have two murdered children linked to him and he has his own writing of exposure by pissing in the garden in front of a child. That is a criminal offense by any standard even by the standard of the Belgian government.
到目前为止,凯史科技可以给你稳固的结果也可以给你充分的信心去证明这个科技是正确的,我们也知道有很多污蔑都来自以Allan Starling为首的脸书群族,这些很多都是拐卖孩童的集团,我们惊讶发现属于六人集团造成了全世界的儿童挟持事件,而且他们这样做已经很久了。红色组织一直在犯罪,我们手上有5个犯罪人的名字,有两个是谋杀者,我们会公开他们的名字,所以这些已经被定罪是由他们自己承认的,我们也有两个他们自己女儿的指控,同时他也谋杀了两个小孩,是他自己在书信中漏馅的。
K: Now you see that 5 people who went out to discredit Keshe Foundation now found out that they are captured. We will give on one of the world Medias all the details and you will read it in the newspapers. You will believe it and this is your shortsightedness of how these people through the support of the king, or ex-king, have managed to keep humanity from being free with such beautiful technology that all of you can benefit from. It took the training of what I call the twisted eye woman to go to Israel to get financed trained and to create interviews and everything else and to become one Iranian, one Jewish and any other color as long as they can import children from Asia into Europe. We have opened all their tracks but now Red Circle we have a message for you. We have your two daughters that you raped. The same happened with Allan Sterling; that is why you supported him. Now we have two murders that are attached to you that you caused and have been part of. You confessed to the 5th one yourself. So, by any standard we will take you to the European court of justice and have your sentence passed by the law. The more you write the more you have exposed all of it. And now, security services are coming in. The eleventh floor is the right place for you to be. Nowhere to escape.
K: Carry the technology by its strength and its beauty and then we forget about this bunch of hooligans who kidnapped the world from this new technology. We have to understand the reality and the totality; try to play and you see how simply Jacky with an egg gives confirmation of the plasma. Change your plasmas. This way maybe the position of the egg in respect to will give you new measurement for the strength of your system. If the egg floats, what is the measurement for it? Do we make another egg time machine or an egg strength machine to understand the strength of the plasma? This is how we are back to the beginning of a new science and all of us, every single one of us is a plasma scientist, be it the woman in the kitchen, the man in the garage, the professor in the university, the doctor in his surgery. If we can use this technology to bring comfort to another man, we have served our purpose; this is how we increase the soul strength of the man by receiving. The soul of the man is very much like a huge gravity machine waiting for anything given to it to be able to give more to shine more. When you help man with the pain and he has no pain and he says’ God bless you it means he gives you part of his soul and my magnetic gravitational system does into effect to catch every piece that is given me.
K: It is in the writing of Mohammed, blessed is his name; I made man to create children that they may love me. This means they give from their souls and that elevates my beauty. This is the job of us … all of us. We know, we give and sometimes we can’t give all in one go because the knowledge is not ready for some people to receive because with it they can damage themselves. I have given the example of the old woman with a house on the edge of a desert with a king who knocks on the door and says Woman I am thirsty. She opens the door and says Wait, I’ll give you some water; you have to wait a few minutes and I’ll get the water. The king waits and the woman opens the door and hands him a bowl of water, cool and sweet with the sugar cake. But she leaves the pieces of the cane top of the water. The king, being thirsty wants to drink it in one go but the pieces of the wood of the cane keep interrupting his drinking. When he is done he asked the woman why she did that and why did she put the wood of the cane. She answered, my friend, my king, if I had given you the whole water (without the cane) and you drank it in one go, because of your thirst you expanded your stomach and you would have died. This way you took it slowly, the body absorbed, you overcame your thirst and you are here. This is the story of the King of Iran.
K: This is the same with the man; if we give you the chalice of knowledge in one go, you will be drowned. So bit by bit we take the pieces of the cane out of the water so you can drink more because now we are satisfying the thirst of the man for the new knowledge. It is our job and your job as the people who are familiar and close because you understand more and you have been here longer to teach correctly and to teach in accordance to what your people understand. Don’t show too much and try to be too clever because they don’t understand and they don’t want to admit their own lack of knowledge and strength of understanding. Then they oppose you. Show a lake and show water that can kill an animal and put a drop (of plasma) water and drink it and it doesn’t hurt you. This is how we have to behave. This is how we show the understanding in the small measure. I was at the table with one of the richest men in the world in the past few weeks. I put a drop of the GANS of the water in a glass of water and he was very apprehensive. I drank it. He said, do you know something? We go to India a lot. This could help me and it could take it with me in the even of any infection. I can take this with me and put it in the water. I have diarrhea every time I am in India. He immediately understood and Keshe foundation is financed with one billion dollars by one of the richest men in the world.
K: You will see the investment that comes into Keshe Foundation by world leaders and by world scientists and from the wealth of the rich to support the poor. We aren’t asking for any return. This is how we have to reach the people. Because they know how it affects their life. You will meet this man very soon and he is proud to use the technology; he is proud to take the technology to his country and other places to be part of it because his motive is to serve humanity. Wealth has come to him as part of the natural process of the commercialization of his country. We are breaking through by example; we are breaking through by positive application of the technology and my job is to show more and more applications of the knowledge seekers. Go back to the Tuesday teaching with Togo. Go back to the teaching last Thursday by Ghana. Today in a few minutes we had more. You should have joined us yesterday with the doctors and how they are applying the technology to their patients and the results they are reporting. Join the people that are delivering systems which are now for the first time that Magrav units have become free power supply for everyone in Italy.
K: Rick, have you received Fabio’s video?This is the first time we have shown this and Fabio is one of the teachers at the Keshe Foundation and he has used the technology. This is a Magrav system which is built by Giovanni for a gentleman in November. He helped him to make it and now you can see this is a simple man made system in Rome. You can see this; it was videoed on Tuesday by the husband and wife. We have seen this already in London and now people who have been on the system for 5 months to a year are reporting the same results. A lot of this is in Italian so Giovanni will translate.
Giovanni (G): There is no light here. Now we go into the kitchen and there is no light. Nothing works in the kitchen. There is no light. This is a connection on the wall connected to the Magrav. This is the proof the Magrav is working and giving the energy to the lights. The Magrav is working and gives energy to the refrigerator and the lights. Thank you very much; I am really happy with this Magrav. Before there was no light and I’m very appreciative. The Magrav gave energy to a multiple outlet that also had the lamp plugged into it. The energy company says no electricity is used today.
K: Now you see the first delivery of the Magrav system with power that is independent of the main. Because the plasma is charged enough to run the refrigerator and the lights. We have received a number of these reports and the man is a teacher in the Italian teaching section and the unit was made by him. You can test your Magrav system every now and then to see when it is gradually becoming a power supply. The technology is perfect in essence and knowledge and now as I said on Tuesday we start strengthening to give you confidence that the mayhem created by Red Circle. Because he was discovered to be head of child trafficking in New York, he did not want to be exposed. Now he is exposed and the man he trusted as his right-hand man brought into Keshe Foundation was raping girls, 3 or 4 who were his own daughters. They same a simple thing: birds with birds, wolves with wolves. And we have seen the wolves.
你们可以看到自有能源机开始独立运转了,因为等离子体改变到足够给冰箱和电灯电力了。我也陆续收到一些回报了,一位老师在义大利开始教能量单元而且通通都是自己做的。你们也可以开始测试自己的能源单元了,去看看到底何时就能变成自己发电了。这个科技的本质与知识是如此的完美,我们也会开始去强化这样的效应,给你们更多的信心去对抗更多的污蔑。因为red circle被查出是纽约儿童拐卖的首脑,他当然不希望曝光,而他的左右手也是一名恶徒,真的是物以类聚。
K: Try to explore the knowledge and explore the expansion of the knowledge. Don’t wait for patents; there are no patents in the universe. We don’t have a European patent office, a world patent office or a universal patent office. So try; play and bring the knowledge. Many of you know that next week you will get the emails for the GANS products for the skin, the eyes and the lotion. We have been told that by next week we will receive the certification and we can release the materials. We are waiting for certification and this is why you have not seen your materials. Once the certification is in transport, we are covered. We are told that once certification is received you will receive your emails and a confirmation of the application sent back to Keshe Foundation Health. Then you start receiving. If the countries don’t allow the receipt of the material, we will send you instructions and you can build it yourself.
K: Don’t forget you paid to become part of a world-wide survey. We don’t go to pharmaceuticals and borrow billions. We participate with the people ourselves and people will sit to organize the data and bring everything else together. 120 euro for research to participate in is nothing compared to what we are delivering. As part of this I explained last Tuesday I started using the CO2 GANS myself because I suffer from a very bad eye degenerative disease. Now we see the process: I can see at this moment and I can report this testimonial. I could not see to read from 10 centimeters or 20 centimeters. I changed my phone from regular to the larger screen so I could see it. This is 4 weeks ago. We can provide the purchase bill for the units because I could not see. 8 days ago on Sunday I started using the GANS water of CO2 on my own eyes. Because it is becoming critical, sight was not easy especially at night. Concentration and lack of seeing, when you see your frown to concentrate on seeing the little words and all sorts of things. Now if they put a cover of my book, I am about 10 meters away from my book on the table. I can tell you where the words clearly on the book Origin of the Universe. This was impossible.
K: I have been teaching in this room for nearly a year now. I had to go close to my book to read and I always asked myself if there would be a day that I could not read my own writing any more. I stood with Giovanni in a government office on Monday in a corridor and I said I can read from the other side. He answered that he could see but not read the words; I could read the words better than he does. So I am testing the GANS water of CO2 directly. I put it in a spray bottle; I shake it every now and then and fill it with tap water and let it settle and spray 2 or 3 sprays directly into my eyes. Then I rub the water of the GANS around my eyes on the side of the eye. When you receive your drops don’t drop them in your eyes; the change in the structure of the eyeball with cataracts has changed the construction and the structure of the eyelashes too. It has changed the structure of the muscles around the eye to accommodate the eyeball. When you use it, rub the extra liquid around your face around your eyes. What we have seen from the report from the doctors yesterday the presence of the CO2 allows the generation of new tissues. This means that you can change and with any changes it balances it. If it is needed, it will build it. You see different changes. As I report before on Sunday night the first time I used it I had pressure on a part of my brain on the writing side and I am left-handed. I have had to adjust my writing and that was the first thing. The next day I had a change in the strength in the tip of my tongue and sometimes I still feel that. It is as though my eye has in some way a direct effect on my taste and the tip of my tongue. As the body assumes you are going blind it has to strengthen the other organs. How would you taste or understand the smell of the banana and you cannot see?
K: When you go into eye degeneration and loss of sight the body starts programming other parts of your body to become stronger to replace it. I didn’t see major changes, just a little bit that you put in daily occurrences in your life. Again on Monday, Tuesday and especially yesterday I felt very heavy pressure on my eyeballs. There was heavy pressure and I thought they would come out of the sockets but I couldn’t put a finger on the pressure. It was like a lot of muscles were adjusting and pushing and pulling. On Sunday I noticed I couldn’t read properly any more. I thought something was going wrong; it had worked for a few days. Then I realized that something had changed; I see the same light but there is a problem. In the past ten years with this degeneration I have been pulling the muscles and closing my eyes and I’d put a little finger in front of my fact to read things. Now, the change was different. I have to open my eyes to read as I am reversing having to frown and look at the light to be able to read. I have to open my eyes and I see better. My son said I looked like I was frightened (with my eyes wide open). I can see better now. You see different light and it means the whole body is restructuring. I realized I could feel some weakness in the right eye, some laziness. Most probably the other muscles pulled. Now I think it is coming into balance. I don’t feel the laziness from one muscle.

K: This is how we are developing this technology. This is how I have used it; this is what has been done for me and in less than ten days I can read nearly normally. But I have to adjust because a lot of adjustment has been done. The strange things are the past two days food tastes very differently; it tastes good like something that is desirable to eat, but it creates a lot of hunger; it creates an enormous amount of hunger. Why does it do that? Has it changed the habit that by not looking at the light in a different way? Does it use a lot of energy to create and reorganize and that energy shows up as hunger? Is the body reorganizing itself so that it needs a lot of mental and physical energy? Is it part of the process how it is? I put my testimonial in the use of CO2 for the eyes. We have seen the testimonial on the use of the CO2 on the skin of Dr. Nash in Ghana last week. He says that by using the GANS, the discoloring and two tones on his arm is gone and now it the hair is growing back.
K: Strangely enough we had the same report yesterday by one of the doctors in the doctors’ teaching. So when you use CO2 for the skin it changes the discoloration and two-toning. It didn’t make the skin of Dr. Nash to white; it changed the tone to the rest of the skin color. We have the same report yesterday. He has the discoloration and blackness on his leg and now it is disappearing and becoming the color of his skin. Does this mean that we can use this for people who suffer two tone skin on their faces and everything else? If no someone asks them to join the trial for the skin as we already have two results. There is another thing; listen to Togo’s story. In Dr. Nash’s report last week he said the hair was growing back on his arm. Yesterday the doctor reported the same thing as Dr. Nash. Now can we use CO2 GANS water in conjunction with CH3 or on its own as a lotion for baldness? Yes, Giovanni says yes. I am okay with the baldness I have on the back of my head; it is perfect and they say it is the sign of maturity. You know the old story that the one with the full head of black hair can’t know; the one with the white hair and bold know but they can’t. So the best is the grey silver like I have. We both can and we know.
K: Is it possible that we change the transfer of the use of the knowledge for the hundreds of thousands of men who spend hundreds of euros every year with 2 or 3 drops of their GANS water to start growing hair. Go back 6 or 7 years ago and one of our people said on a video that her husband’s hair was growing back. We know this technology does that. Now we are receiving more confirmation. This gentleman on the bike, some of you know who he is, we have seen the growth of the hair in many cases in our trials. You missed that in the public. Go and listen and they tell you how CO2 disinfects the wound and helps the tissue grow. 2.34.50
K: You have to understand that skin cancer is created by a changed in the environment of the soul level of the body. And then bone tissue is growing; is that the attempt by man to get the scales back like a fish? Because man might need it? Now you put the CO2 and change the gravitational magnetic environment then the change is no change and the cancer disappears because you changed the environment of it. Start deciphering the technology and the understanding of it in the full meaning. Start getting trust in what it can do. We have seen here in Italy in trails that if you use the GANS of CO2 on skin fungi, from the pool or whatever source, applying the CO2 two to three times for someone who had tried every cream and every cortisone for 20 years that didn’t work, and the two applications of CO2 that there is no fungus or skin infection.
K: We see that if you have a burn, a mosquito bite, the spray of CO2 GANS water relieves the pain and soon the bite is not even there. We have seen the application of the GANS water for malaria. You can use it in toilets as a disinfectant. We are using the CO2 in swimming pools where by now with the heat of summer after two or three days without chlorine in the water worms grow like nothing. We don’t see any worms and we don’t see any chlorine. Start applying the technology. You travel to countries that are not hygienic; carry your own CO2 liquid GANS and disinfect everything. You have seen this is correct because scientists from Ghana Atomic Energy have shown you it is correct. You carry your own disinfectant. There goes the work of the companies who make all the detergents in the big bin. That is why the Jewish lobby doesn’t like us. If you have a child with diarrhea or a person with cancer, I explained this yesterday to the doctors and it is public knowledge that we teach you and have to explain.
K: go back on the Keshe Innovation Center where one of our scientists made a 10 to 15-minute presentation with a full chart of the mini amps to show how the CO2 does perfectly. The CO2 in the water in the tube made the water from acidic to alkaline. Now understand another part of international scientific research, and the scientist who did it has put in prison many times because it did not fit the Unilever (?) and the pharmaceuticals. Now they can put all of us in prison and leave a few outside. There are 7 billion of us and a couple hundred of them. When you add CO2 GANS the water changed from 6.8 to 7 and 7.2 and the rest. Now go back to the present research in the scientific world. An admired scientist was discredited by people much like Red Circle because they were paid to do so and there were false accusations in courts. Alkaline water reduces cancer; so you go every way to drink water and eat food that is alkaline because now we understand. Acid has a heavy magnetic gravitational field and absorbs heavy energies which needs cancer because cancer needs the heavy energy. So they feed each other. Now you take the GANS of the water that has been proven scientifically by the Keshe scientists in the Philippines that it changes from acidity to alkaline. You drink this alkaline water and you change the strength of the stomach, the lymph transfer of energy from the intestine. The energy of the level the cancer was used to through the acidity of the strength is not there, so it cannot feed it and it gives its energy out to the weaker plasma of the lymph and there is no cancer.
K: The scientist who proved the connection between alkaline and acidity and the cancer, he is 100% correct. But he has been victimized and imprisoned by the pharmaceuticals and WHO which is supported by the Jewish lobby to stop it because they cannot sell you chemo therapy for thousands of euros and so the doctors can have nice mistresses in different parts of the world when they order your chemotherapy and you don’t need it. Now you take the GANS water and drop a few in the water and you make the water alkaline and start drinking 2 to 3 spoons a day and you change the structure of the acidity of the stomach. The strength is not there and it cannot support anything. And you change the environment to weaker. The strength of the lymph is gone with the machine like Dr. Rodriguez uses to deplete energy from the plasma of the cancer. It is so easy. Would you like to be a doctor? We call you a new plasma doctor? Do we start giving PhDs to the single man in space who calls himself nobody because he is the last man standing? Do we need to carry titles or do we need to understand the totality of the knowledge? Now you see how beautiful the technology is becoming. We have opened the hand of the Red Circle, the paymasters and the kings.
K: If you have cancer, try this. You change the alkaline and that will help you. Then we have doctors and scientists online to help you with the rest. Make yourself a patch of CO2 and put it on the position of the cancer. You have lung cancer? Do the same. If you have a brain tumor make a patch with CO2 and zinc oxide and a little bit of calcium because you need to create new cells that replace the cancer and you are done. You should be able to work with it. Now you see how gorgeous this technology is. We have managed to shrug off the terrorists and now we can show the beauty of it. Giovanni says we have the water downstairs made by the same man that shows he is on the fringe today.
K: Realize that you have food poisoning from the restaurant; use a couple of drops. It is not the solution to everything. The only thing you are doing is changing the environment so it can go on through. We have seen this with the doctors and with the soap (Ghana). Inside your body the amino acid is already there. All you do is add the CO2 and the way it is added to the soap and it energizes in different ways and it becomes alkaline and takes care of Salmonella and everything else. For skin issues drink the CO2 in a moderate way that is internal; it changes everything because its energy gets absorbed. You have a condition with anorexia; you don’t have to do anything with anorexia. It is a psychological problem that allows energy to be absorbed and the psychology needs confirmation. All you need to do is use CH3 plus Zinc Oxide with a little bit of CO2 GANS water without the anorexic knowing. They will start eating like a pig. The only problem you have is now they go from size 6 to size 12 and they need new clothing. I don’t mind having a fat child and a healthy child.
K: Start understanding the beauty of the technology. We took our time and took all the pressure, accusations and everything they could throw at us. All was headed by the same man, the same terrorist, the same abuser, the same murderer of two girls we know of now. Because they were afraid they would be found out. We find the two and now it is open and now we show you every beauty of the technology. Today I showed you how the cancer can be changed. I showed you can stand and travel on the same board; I made you a man of space, the health masters and I made you equal. According to your intelligence you take what you understand more. The history of the man, the health of the man and the opening of space to the man is on one writing. You don’t need more if you understand it. You have to oppose it if have something to hide or if you have done something which your paymasters would not do.
K: I have one question to ask and it is simple. How much do we need to be in any of these positions in space travel or in the space of our own physicality to overcome what travels within us as germs and infections? When we become the germ to travel what is the germ inside us that we need to control? Because you understand the totality of the knowledge you can handle them both at once. This is the knowledge of the universe that was not given to man and abused by those who knew it partially twice. In the coming weeks I will open the history of mankind that you can see and how man has done, how man developed and became generations and traveled across this planet. And how different races were created; if you have a doubt, we will make it a live presentation and you will see your ancestors and how they became tribes and how you became cities and part of the structure.
K: If we show you and give you the bowl to drink in one go you will suffocate and kill yourself. Because you will be ashamed of what man has done to man. Understand how you can use and how you can develop. If you understand even the shape of the egg and repeat what we saw with Jacky you understand that you need no cookers and you can cook anything. Do we need to create a new system of the conversion of the plasma that inside the plasma, cook food because the heat field of the magnetic field will cook what you want, or do we still use fire? Understand the simplicity that Jacky showed us. Take an egg and heat the egg. This absorbs the energy; you absorb energy by the fire into the egg to fry it or boil it.
If the GANS strength is enough to change the color or the hardness of the yolk into different strengths, now you have found yourself a new way to cook. Microwave is now Magrav waves and we have entered the condition that we do not need to burn anything and use energy. If you understand this process, it’s very easy. We saw the cup with the egg and the energy transfer. Now we make a system that the energy transfer of the universe when it comes through the liquid, starts cooking without boiling. You receive and cook to the strength you want-hard-boiled or soft boiled eggs. Now you see the beauty of the technology and our patience in teaching and the burden we were under was worth it. No wood has to be burned; now you can create different layers of GANS that absorb the energy and if you put this in it you get boiling at 110 degrees; if you put this in it, you are cooking at 30 degrees. 2.51.49
K: This is what gradually all of you will add; your names will become the names of the future because we don’t talk about the engines and the others and we don’t talk about Mr. Watt, or horsepower. We talk about Benjamin’s soap; we talk about every one of you as the new scientists of the new generation of the Magrav systems. You teach us and we show it; we are open and we display it; you have all the Keshe Foundations around the world to share knowledge in your own language.
Gladstone (G):
K: Is this the gentleman in Australia with the antennas on his roof? Has the house flown yet?
G: Good evening Mr. Keshe. I haven’t flown yet.
K: So plasma technology is safe(2016/7/21)
G: Yes. Let me show you the Facebook site? I want to show the coil hanging from the roof. (2.54.57 minutes). The coils are linked together in a series. The mechanical side is linked to the roof and gravitational site externally. Within the coils you see a red ball. It has GANS in it and I have crystals and other items within the middle of the actual coils. What I have noticed over the last couple of weeks are calming effects in the house. My wife and I have noticed a slight frequency. I am not sure where it is coming from. I have a plastic ball at the bottom of the coils that might be CO2 GANS. That is the system and two weeks in everything seems quite calm. I was wondering if you can advise me as to the set up of the system and if it is correct.
K: None of you can be wrong. You have to work on the parameters of the effect of what you have built. If you transfer these sideways and make them in a different column and make GANS between it, then you can the transportation of the emotion from the house to what you want. The outer ring can have zinc oxide coils and then you will find the peace they had in ‘hippie land’. So we learn from you and you are telling us what you are observing with your family and environment. Is it a placebo effect? The reality is that it is so. We make happy chains and hang them like we do other things in our houses. Things that bring happiness in the house. We don’t become superstitious about it but we understand the science behind it. You made a happy chain, so why not? Do we need rock and roll or just a happy bit hanging on the ceiling? Is that the future of happiness that you have shown us? We can call it the Gladstone happy ring. Bring the knowledge; it is beautiful. We thank you for it. We don’t need measurements; happiness is measured by the government of what is known as a happy nation. Let us know more of what it does and what the happiness means to you. What is the jar on the table in the photo?
凯史:没有错这件事,你正在建立了一个有关效果这个部分的参数,如果你在这个部分的侧边做一个转换,给它们不同的柱子而且在那个之间放进甘斯,这样你就能转换来自这个屋子的情绪能量来达到你想要的结果。外面的圈你改成氧化锌线圈,你就会有一个快乐天地。所以我们从你这儿学到还有你告诉我们有关你跟你的家人跟你家环境所得到的观察,它只是我们个人的心理作用呢?还是它是真的呢?我们做了一个快乐的锁链挂在那里,像我们对我们的房子做其他事情一样,对这个屋子带来了快乐幸福感受,我们不是怪力乱神,因为它背后有其科学上的依据,你做一个快乐的炼子,那又怎样呢?你是要手舞足蹈呢还是小小的窃喜只因为挂了条炼子在天花板呢?你有更深刻的幸福感受能分享给我们吗?我们可以叫它做Gladstone happy ring,我们很感谢你带来这么美丽的知识分享。我们根本无需测量,这个幸福感受应该由政府来测量,让他们知道他们是一个幸福国度。
G: The jar has CO2 GANS in it and there is a plastic ball that is at the bottom of the coils that has CO2 GANS in it. You can see the cable also. I am trying to involve a number of GANS to see how it comes.
K: Maybe add zinc oxide to it. That touches the emotion and you are creating the field strength that creates it or needs it for that connection. Maybe you will be happier to be around the house. We have seen this with what you were talking about with the antenna. We were talking about it in the medical section the other day. A lot of people suffer from the masks and waves from the waves from the mobile phones (cell phone towers?). We have tested a lot of things in time and have found a couple of solutions but not all of it. Now, by use of these antennas you can change the reception by the body of the people and have no problems living in the house. I have done a lot of work in this field. If you see the change and you know people who are affected by the microwaves or antennas, make a chain and give it to them to test it and see if they can live in their rooms without pain. These people live a very painful life.
G: One more question: I have an analog aerial on the roof of aluminum. Could I use that as an antenna?
K: Why not! It’s a good suggestion; nano-coat it I don’t know what you are going to receive. It becomes a good observer. It may be part of your energy supply as well.
G: I will coat the aerial and it becomes the receiver.
K: Make sure everything to the line is also nano-coated. I see these and what you have suggested I’ve gone over in my head. In Italy when you drive there are about 200 of them sitting on top of each apartment block. Everyone has to have their own 2 or 3 of them. It is like everyone is trying to listen to God somehow and God comes from only one direction. If you nano-coat them, I think the whole building can be supplied with energy from the environment without any power supply. Because in time, you receive all kinds of energy. We have done an aerial conversion years ago. You know the cars with the antennas which get pulled up, and not the new embedded glass version. It works beautifully in the car. Thank you; let us know when you become a happy house. Do you observe the environment in respect to the birds and anything that has changed in the flora and the fauna? If you haven’t taken note of them.
G: It’s coming to winter in New Zealand where I am living so I haven’t noticed it; I will make notes of that.
K: It would be nice to see if compared to last year you see more birds or less birds. It is strange when you bring this in. Here where we live 3 or 4 weeks ago we were collecting mosquitoes, bees and butterflies that flying around the garden and they ended up in the pool. We were using nets to collect thousands of these every day. About 3 weeks ago I emptied 4 or 6 liters of specific GANS water into the pool; now we don’t see a single fly in the pool. There have been the worst storms around us in the past two weeks. We came back and there was like snow in the street and there is not a bit of dust or a leaf on my pool to collect. Where are they all going? There is a plastic bag that flew in from the storm. These things affect the environment. Caroline was testing something. We mixed CO2 GANS water with a little bit of mosquito spray and are spraying in the house on the floor and the walls. We saw only one mosquito last night and before we were covered with mosquito spray.
G: There is one funny thing that has happened to our windows that face north. They become dirty like they are attracting some kind of particulates. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the system. The whole front of the house, the window glass, is speckled as though it is attracting.
K: Just get some CO2 GANS and some water and wash the windows with it and see if it comes back. It’s a good changer of the environment. People are testing CO2 in so many things it isn’t even imaginable. They see results because it is something they wanted to do. Don’t use GANS that affect our body and our environment because we are amino acid base.
K: What is this bag?
R: This is a picture from Stanley about interesting CO2 pads. I received two cases for people who are using the CO2 pads and they see black dots on the surface of the pads and they would like to know what causes this discoloration.
K: Is it on the inside or outside?
R: It is on the inside on the tissue.
K: Add a drop of copper oxide into this. We have seen these and these are bacteria or viruses that are depleted from the energy. All you need to do is add a liter of GANS of CO2 or CH3 and add one drop of copper oxide. Then that doesn’t allow life existence to live inside it.
R: Is it possible that the pads are pulling toxins out of their bodies?
K: Yes, that is quite possible. We have to learn to analyze so we know what it is. Is it bacteria or the energy? They are homogenous in size and they will have a pattern to them.
R: It was common in the older days to use poultices with Epsom salts to draw out poisons as with an infected place where you had a thorn.
K: It was used commonly in Europe.
R: They used the poultices in the wars and that drew out the toxins; that was before antibiotics. The poultices were much simpler. I had an infection in my knee from a tiny piece of metal. I went to the hospital and if it got worse it was a blood-poisoning situation. They wanted to put me in the hospital bed with antibiotics for a week before they would even treat it or try to remove what is in there. I was sweating at that thought. I asked how to do something alternative. And they made me sign a release so they wouldn’t be responsible for my losing my leg or my life. I went to my wife’s naturopath and he suggested the Epsom salt poultice and told me how to do it in 30 seconds. Within 2 days all the infection was gone and whatever caused it was gone. Before that I could barely walk. The CO2 pads might work in a similar manner by pulling out the fields and withdrawing infection or pain.
K: We are coming to summer; there are many people using the CO2 GANS against sunburn and they are reporting huge changes. We see it on the children when you rub the CO2 on their faces for sunburn or people with bad sunburns. They peel and there are no scars or damage when they use the CO2. The application of the new plasma is very different. You have the three layers of skin and this becomes a 4th layer. The skin is in the middle and the body works its own system. You get the new layer of the skin with the CO2 and the burned layer peels away without any bleeding. We have seen this with cancer of the breast. We need to understand more of this and transfer the knowledge.
R: Fran?ois says he has some patches with these spots on them.
Sylvester (S): The picture is coming from Mr. Sobel in Hungary and he made these pictures. He used the same patches on himself and his wife and it comes from the same CO2 source as the CO2 in the pad in the picture. His wife’s CO2 patches don’t have dots and his show them. He was diagnosed with mold allergy 1.5 years ago. He showed a video and his patch only had dots on one side. I will transfer the copper oxide information to him.
Sylvester (S):接下来这张照片是从匈牙利的Sobel先生传来的。一共有三张。他跟他太太都使用了CO2甘斯做成的止痛垫,可是他太太就没有这个问题,他在一年多前确诊是霉菌过敏,他拍成影片只有他的有黑点,我想要给他氧化铜甘斯。
K: If the patches persist in this with the dots we have to ask if we are taking cancer from the body and putting it in the patches.
S: I think the second thing you said was the feeling of these people. The gentleman showing now had a great number of moles on his body. He is an oversize person and he used the patches on his left cavity pain and it was relieved immediately. He cured himself of shoulder pain. But he found these dots.I could request that they send these to you for testing.
K: We will let you know; we prefer not to go public with our testing location because of the internet and the swamp around it. It’s a lot of work to be financed by governments and the institute?
Jane McD (J) mentions that moles can be seen under UV light. It would be good to see if the black spots on the pad reflect the map of the moles on the person under a UV lamp to see if it is a similar pattern.
Armand (A): If you seal it properly this will never happen to it. Vacuum seal it and I left them open and the air going in caused the black spot.
K: What happened with the black spots?
A: It is a fungus.
K: It would be good to find out.
A: I see this when the patches are not sealed properly. If they are vacuum packed, they will never go black
K: We have Renan on the line and they have 6000 of these and they have been distributing them. Have you seen this in the Philippines?
A: See this is vacuum packed. This is a new type of patches. (3.20.15 minutes). The patch shown has two circular coils in it of some type and is round. The coils follow the shape of the round patch.
K: Go back to what your new patch is.
A: The round black patch was made for lung cancer. And this patch with the double coil is a zinc patch.
K: Armand is a master at the Keshe foundation. If you show it, you teach it.
A: I have CO2 and zinc oxide water in both of them.
K: Tell us what you have done.
A: I create a flow which exits out of one patch. The pads are not coated and the plastic is nano-coated. The black ring is the pole magnet and the magnet with white rings is the ring magnet.
K: So one is flat and one is ring and one is converting the energy of the conductivity and you have the zinc to touch the emotion.
A: I have one more this is a nebulizer (3.22.48 minutes). I nano-coated the clear plastic part. It gives a mist. And I plan to put CO2 in it that they can breathe.
K: You are using the plasma vapor?
A: Yes.
K: I hear it works very well on the lungs. Am I correct?
A: Yes, it works very well on the lungs. I have used this 4 days and now I don’t cough in the mornings at all.
K: Armand used to cough heavily when he was here. Can you show us your breathing system, your shisha? He sent the picture this morning. It looks like a hubble bubble and it’s good for his lung. What is in there? (3.24.14 minutes).
A: The water has CO2 and zinc liquid plasma.
K: How does your breathing feel?
A: It feels very normal.
K: You have to use something like this with liquid plasma for 7 to 14 days. Because it is plasmatic it imprints the energy field on the RNA and the DNA and becomes permanent. Viruses will no longer attach. How does it feel not to cough in the morning?
A: Very nice.
K: Are you still smoking 20 packs a day?
A: No, two packs.
K: Has it changed the taste in your mouth to inhale?
A: It didn’t change anything in my mouth but I eat a lot.
K: Are we going to see super-size Armand? Do you feel any pain or expansion in your lungs?
A: I feel normal. I don’t wake up and cough for 10 or 15 minutes.
K: Maybe this is the condition of ‘pre-flight’. What else has changes such as in sitting and standard?
A: I didn’t check it.
K: You change your breathing and your capacity changes. When you don’t breathe well you tend to bend forward or your shoulders go down. We have seen this in many trials. When you have better breathing your composure changes because your lungs fill up more. Let us know if you still carry on the smoking.
A: Do I need to add CH3 to the nebulizer?
K: No, CH3 increases the growth. You don’t want that. You have to use CO2 and Zinc Oxide. Don’t use copper oxide for the lungs. If your breathing is a problem when you use these systems for the lung for breathing, what you do is not the CO2 that creates the condition. The science behind it is very simple. When you have the lungs moving and functioning with cancer or your breathing they have to convert the energy in a system that becomes like hydrogen.
K: When you use these systems and why it brings change has simple science behind it. When you breathe in your lungs, you bring air with the nitrogen and with the other gases into your lungs. The tunnels of the lungs narrow as much as possible. In the stomach you have acids to convert the food from matter state to nano-state to GANS state and it goes in your intestine and becomes plasmatic and then transfers the energy through the walls of the intestine into your lymph. (3.29 minutes) The reason we have liquid in our lungs is the same process. The liquid is another caustic converting the gases into nano into GANS and at the last bit they transfer the energy to the broad (?) cells. The lung is a digestive system converting the same as the stomach which is for solids and liquids and the lung is for the air. Because man was created out of the air of this environment first.
K: You are amino acid which is the combination of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen which is in the environment of this planet. Plus, if you look at some of the amino acids there are other gases there as well. Man has never looked into this. Maybe it’s time to do this. When you breathe air in, you bring it to the digestive system of the salt of the lung and convert it to a GANS to a plasmatic condition to the field and then it absorbs and transfers energy out. As we have said many times, nitrogen is a centralizer that releases energy at the rate of conversion. So you have oxygen which gives us energy for conversion. What comes out of it is the balance of carbon or CO2. Then it attaches itself to its own creator and we say we inhale CO2. the process is instant in the lungs of the man so when you breathe and you have a problem with the physical structure of the lung like tumors or COPD, when you breathe air to the already produced GANS system, in a way what you do is very simple. Here is the collecting energy in the lung (3.32.07 minutes); the energy conversion is already in a GANS vapor and when it comes into the lungs it is immediately absorbed by the lungs. In being absorbed it gives a relaxing time for the lung to recover. Now the lung wings do not need to expand and shrink. So you have already taken the energy into your lungs. These breathing systems which you make with the GANS are in fact like the mechanical heart and lungs they make to help people. These are those systems and I have used them effectively for many years.
K: So what you do is stop breathing and converting in your lungs; you bring the air with the CO2 load the same as you do when added the CO2 to the soap. Now you add the oxygen, carbon or nitrogen which comes from the air and you add it into it so it is loaded. So when it comes into the lungs it doesn’t need to do the conversion because it already received the extra energy and you change the environment of the cells in the lungs. Then the body has time to heal and to recover and transfer the energy. When you put the two health pads in the standing unit inside-out on either side, this you can do what you do with the air where in the mechanical system you connected the nano-coated material from one patch to another. Here the doctor will tell you he has the two pads and he used the air and he has two plates and the plastic on the plates allowed the energy to be conserved. (3.33.54 minutes) Most likely you can walk away if it is not too late from the lung cancer. You cannot use these patches and you need Armen to make you the patches for the body because the cancer conversion could be in other lymphs which are in balance the same as the lymph of the lungs.
K: You have to use the full-body system for every cancer not just because you see it in the lung. If you don’t process it properly in 6 months’ time it will be in the liver, or it’s already in the liver and it shows itself in the liver in 6 months’ time. But the process when you breathe the CO2 GANS water from it as the air goes through it exactly as the soap that Paul from Togo showed us last week. They made a combination of GANS with CO2 and they killed the germs. Because the energy was low, the germ had to give energy to it. In the breathing into the lungs you have the air and its additional energy so the body doesn’t need to absorb or convert the GANS so much. Then you find out the body has time to relax because it has received its energy and then it has time to heal; it has time to repair. The energy was used for pressurizing the lungs to absorb the energy of it for the blood and now the lungs use that energy because they are receiving it from the new energized gas for healing itself.
K: I was explaining this to a doctor recently. These breathing systems are like mechanical hearts. If you have certain heart problems and you can afford it, they disconnect your heart and connect it to a mechanical system for 6 months or a year. Your heart still works in conjunction with the mechanical heart but because there is not as much pressure on it, it allows it to recover from its damages and then they take the system away and your heart starts working perfectly as before. These breathing systems are the same as those but it is a natural process. I will give you a tip. A lot of people who have heart problems even certain kinds of blockages; please do not try this without the supervision of a doctor who is part of the Keshe Foundation knowledge, understands it and can support it. This is for doctors who work with us and listen to the program. This is directed to our Chinese doctors in the Chinese team because I know you work this way. If you make a ratio of 6CO2, 3CH3, 1 CUO2-the ratio is important-if you use this ratio and put the patch on you will get physical repairs. But most of the heart problems have psychological problems because the heart is the feeder of the psychological part of the body of the man.
K: You can do a very other simple: 5CO2. 3CH3, 1CUO2 and add 1Zinc Oxide. This is for the doctors; please if you are not doctors because if you use it you feel the change in the palpitations differently and you have to have a doctor to control that. What we teach everyone on this platform so that does not have to do with you, please do not try. If you are a doctor and you are looking at vein blockage, the support of the heart valves to replace or you want to do it, it is very much these kinds of combinations. CO2 is the cross information in the blood, CuO is for the muscles (and change the ratios for what you need), CH3 is to energize the blood so that the body does not look for energy and put pressure on the lungs to bring energy for itself and it supports itself in that point and then because the blood of the man is the supporter of his emotion you have to add zinc to support the energy of the emotion. You will find out heart recovery in 14 to 21 days and up to 4 weeks. You have to get the condition right and you have to understand the conditions of your patients correctly to be able to do this.
凯史:其实你可以用更简单的方式来做,5CO2:3CH3:1CUO2:1Zinc Oxide,这是给医生的资讯,如果你不是医生的话,因为使用之后可能会出现不同心悸的问题,那你就必须有医生在旁边照顾比较好。我们在这个教学平台上教育来自各方的学生,所以不要轻易尝试,除非你是医生。但是如果你是医生,请你观察看看,在静脉阻塞这个部分,他其实也可以修复二尖瓣脱垂的问题,当你想要使用他来处理这方面的问题的话,他其实就是一种心脏内部重新组合的过程。CO2甘斯会携带讯息给血液,CUO则会给肌肉,CH3就是帮血液补充电能,这样身体就不需要再花力气再去找能量,然后肺部就能开始压缩自己而为自己带来能量,然后让肺部自己在整个修复上作为支持在修复心脏这件事上,因为人的血液是人类情绪系统的支援者,所以你必须加上锌这个元素,去支援这个情绪系统所需要的能量。然后你就会看到心脏在14到21天内或是四个星期多就慢慢恢复了。当然你必须先评估这些所有具备的条件或是你要了解你的病人是否具备做这样治疗的条件。
K: There is no need for open heart surgery, blood clots, blockages of the main arteries. If you develop a patch in the teaching with the doctors and remind me, I can teach you how to do it. You can actually release and open the arteries very, very softly with this process. There is no need for the open heart surgery and the transfer of the blood vessels. This is a special technique that I show you and it is dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing-do not touch it. We expand on the knowledge so doctors can understand how to help themselves. If you do this and if you are not knowledgeable and you are not a doctor, when you put the patches on your heart you will feel pressure. It means it is interacting with you. Don’t go any further with this because these are powerful systems. You can put a patch in the front and a patch in the back and within 6 to 8 weeks there is no need for any kind of heart surgery at all. In certain cases when it is diagnosed properly and when it is handled properly then you can see your patient walk away. If you change the combination in a certain way, it is good for where the heart valve is collapsed or damaged. You rebuild the heart valve without operating or anything else.
K: This needs a special combination and we don’t teach this in the public but it’s good for the doctors in the background to remind me at the doctor’s teaching. If you are not a doctor doesn’t touch this information as you can put yourself and others at risk and this is very, very delicate. I use it and I am fully aware of the knowledge of how to use it and you can do wonders with this and you can use this in conjunction with the breathing system to support the lungs. You can give the lungs a rest. You give it a long rest and it allows the development of what it needs or repairs what it needs. At the end of the day what is created in the lung is to feed the energy into the physicality of the body and that is what the lung does. It is here to operate with the heart. In certain approaches with the mixture of the breathing you support the energy to the heart and you give the heart a rest. It is exactly like a lung and then you allow the repair. This has to be done by physicians; if you are not a physician please don’t do this. I have seen a lot people making things like this and this is not child’s play.
K: We see the first science and the first approaches of how we can walk away from tens of thousands of euros for open heart surgery and you can do this for less than 20 cents. But is has to be done by the physician. If you are not, you are responsible for the soul that you hurt.
R: Renan can give you a report on his patches.
K: We need to talk when we finish the class; I need you to do a couple of tests from the doctors’ teaching yesterday
R: What we have been producing here, I only find the black spots on patches that are being kept for a long time. These black spots were only seen on one patch out of 100. It is correct and I think it is a leakage. Most of the patches are moist and some of the packages were open so there is possibly contamination from the patches. I have kept some patches that I reuse every time and I keep them in my bag and they are with me always. Sometimes when I reuse it, there are some black spots. It could be a growth and I don’t know what the growth is. I can check it in the microscope. It’s part of the test tube so maybe there is a growth there. It is better to seal it. Use harder and more durable containers and you have no development of spots inside. I think with the tissue or the napkin with the CO2 is a good environment to grow certain elements because it is energy. So, you need to seal these properly. And handle them carefully in making these patches. When it dries we observe that even though it is sealed it dries when it is exposed directly to the sun. The plastic patches bloat with gas sometimes and is effective in the way that the liquid plasma has transformed to vapor. It also has a soothing effect on pain as well. This has been discovered with the sealed plastic patches where the liquid GANS evaporated. We also try reusing the packages. If they have leakages, we just repackage and wet them with CO2 liquid plasma and they can be reused for yourself if you want to recycle. You can do this when you don’t have many patches available.
K: You distributd thousands of these in the Philippines.
R: We distribute when we have the outreach activities in the slum areas. We give them there and they know how to make them. Right now in different areas people are reproducing these patches to give to their neighbors. We are working in community surveys for those who are living in the slums with no permanent homes. We teach them to do pens and patches and now they can liberate themselves from the problems with the medicines from the government doctors.
K: Are you going to get testimonial data on how this works with these people?
R: Yes.In our language we have testimonials and we are getting them from the youths and their parents. Most of them are videos telling what has happened and it’s in our dialect. We can do an English interpretation with these videos so that more can understand. We can gather them as it has already been working for them for two months. In that place we invested a few months ago. We have testimonies from people and we are asking others in the area who collaborate in this medical mission.
K: let me ask a question: one thing that will be interesting that we discussed, so would you ask your team to do another beautiful job like you did last time when you showed the GANS in creating what you call alkaline water. Could you ask your team, the same group, if they can now test the liquid GANS, when we put the CO2 GANS water into the water? Does it make it alkaline? We need the scientific proof and you have done a very good test with the meter. Could you test it and do this for next week?
R: Yes, we are setting that up now and verifying it as you were mentioning last week during the doctors’ meeting. We are already doing the CO2 GANS drops and we are getting some data as we calibrate the Ph meters. We have Ph meters here so we can check for different levels. We will see what the variations of the liquid GANS are and we can show it.
K: Could we see this next week?
R: Yes.
K: Could we discuss it with the doctors? We will show it next week in the public teaching. You it will be interesting to know if you have cases with the liquid GANS water on the patch, in breathing and after breathing and collect the saliva and test that to see if that has become alkaline.
R: So by using the breathing straws we will investigate the Ph level, the alkaline level of the person.
K: please because then it will add to the knowledge. Do you want to share anything new?
R: Not yet.
K: As we said today we became the man of space. Now we learn the first spaces for the transportation of the man to fit any part of the universe. And, for man to be able to travel. At this moment it is very far-fetched…the same as when we spoke of the GANS and the nano materials two or three years ago. Now that we have the men of knowledge, science and government behind us maybe it is time to start developing the true space technology because these machines of the transportation can be used in conjunction with the star formation for deep space travel where you don’t need to send a craft. You deliver a craft to a point in the excursion. You don’t need to cross the atmospheric barriers or what you call the coulomb barriers of the planet. This way of delivery has huge applications and implication in space where you can deliver yourself within the center of the planetary system or the stars or galaxy without ever passing the matter state of it or interaction with the fields of it.
K: Because when you travel you travel at the rate of the conversion until you arrive at the destination point. It is very much when you are traveling where a truck carries the envelope, a plane carries you or you are sent by jumbo jet. What you have sent is irrelevant. When you cross the seas, the storm, the road or a mountain or you go through a tunnel it does not matter because it does not change what is in the envelope or the structure of the envelope. Now you have entered that condition. On the other hand, we have seen how the new technology can be used for conversion of the health because it these are very important and change the emotional and physical imbalance for the whole rest of the body. Do we walk in and walk out a few times without any cancer, without Alzheimer’s, without arms and legs missing because they were blown up by bombs built hundreds of years ago by man through his misconduct? Would the land mines that cause the loss of an arm or a leg because somebody made money off the sale of the land mines, and 15 or 100 years ago it was left in the ground and we didn’t see it and we walk into these cabins and build what has been missing because in our name there should be peace called here on a toe which as blown up?
K: We are entering the real world of the creation of the plasma and its application. It is for us to decide how we take humanity this time. Do we take man at the point he was with the animal ness, the murder and the killing? Or do we go the path of the universe as a peaceful culture with peaceful ways so we can enjoy and join the universe than a few patches of land on this planet? This is our task and this is where we stand. These teachings will bring man to a point of decision-making for himself with the full consciousness of what is to lose and what is to gain. Is it worth it to carry on with the same behavior as before or the beauty of the universe is so beautiful that we sacrifice a few pieces of land to see the beauty of the lands of the universe? This is what this teaching of today was about for those who did not understand. This is not a dream as now we see patches, breathing and everything else.
K: Now we start seeing the beauty of the technology. Now we start seeing the effect of the technology and now we see what it brings us. It brings us peace, comfort, health and food. Are we going to fight for nothing or are we going to accept to do nothing for a piece of land? Because now we have seen it and you deliver it every week, little by little the knowledge of the man is getting stacked up more than the past thousand years in a few weeks and a few months. I ask you to ask yourself one question. Whenever you give this to somebody is the world peace worth it for all the wars to convert and change with a piece of copper? That is all it is that you are doing-you are playing with a piece of copper. The new technology is simple in its application and its implication. Thank you very much for today; we will meet you on Tuesday afternoon for 1.5 hours as part of the normal teaching. On Tuesday after 3 o’clock we join Professor Zhu and the military and space and these will become part of the peace military and not the war which is the act and behavior of the nation of China. We thank you for being with us today and I hope we learn more in the coming time.
